Search Engines Aren't Working - Why?

The research conducted by SEMRush showed that a lot of people who use Google are not content with the results they are getting back. This could explain why a tweet that compared Google to a dying mall was so popular. The tweet stated that it is hard to find things on Google and it went viral in October, receiving over 60,000 likes and 7,000 retweets. Sarah Carling tweeted a screenshot of a search for how many calories are in a bottle of wine. Even though she explicitly searched for information about a "bottle" of wine, Google still displays results as if she had only searched for a "glass" of wine. This tendency for Google to misinterpret similar search queries is widespread- more than half of all users who perform two searches in a row use keywords that are only 60% different from each other. When conducting a mobile search, 38.9% of users have to reformulate their initial search query due to dissatisfaction with the results. Although this number is lower than it used to be, it is still a significant portion of the mobile search population. Some people in the search marketing community believe that users may have forgotten how bad search engines used to be. One individual even admitted that they have to search with the word "reddit" in order to find meaningful results.
